“When we raise ourselves to the level of intellectual recognition, economic and technological freedom, they will take us seriously, as they now take Japan seriously.
” But then, as I have emphasized in my book The People’s Republic, our leaders must be well educated, possess good intellect.
“They must be righteous, for The Bible says, “righteousness exalteth a nation.
” Of course, they must be self-disciplined and possess the ability to comprehend salient details in economics and the art of governance.
“In addition, they must have what I call spiritual depth. Above all, they must always act in accordance with the injunction, “Love thy neighbour as thyself” or Do unto others as you would wish them do unto you.” If a leader does all these, our nation will be exalted and Nigeria will be respected and even adored by other nations on earth.”
Obafemi Awolowo, Speaking three months before his death in 1987.